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Professional Development Courses

Fundamentals of Strategic Meetings Management™

Part I: Saturday, July 20 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET
Part II: Sunday, July 21 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Many corporations are now converging travel, procurement and meetings in their business strategy and operations. This shift requires a disciplined approach to developing, deploying and implementing a strategic meetings management program (SMMP). Strategic meetings management (SMM) is the management of enterprise-wide meeting and event processes to achieve measurable business objectives aligned with the organization’s strategic goals.

In this fundamental course taught by procurement, travel and meetings industry experts, you will learn how to articulate the benefits and components of SMM in a corporate environment. Participants will take away SMMP best practices and strategies on how to contain cost, mitigate risk, manage data, implement technology solutions, and ensure service quality.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduce strategic meetings management
  • Review key program components
  • Establish partnership strategies
  • Create a funding model
  • Build a strategic meetings management business case


\Participants earn 14 GTP Recertification credits. You have two options to register for this course: add it on during your Convention registration process or register for the course directly here.


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The Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™

Part I: Saturday, July 20 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET
Part II: Sunday, July 21 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET

The Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™ course builds off of the Fundamentals curriculum to aid business travel professionals in increasing their knowledge of the industry while also expanding on their professional skills. This course is designed for travel buyers overseeing a managed business travel program and suppliers offering travel-related products and services. Ideal preparation for your GTP exam, or as a refresher to earn 14 GTP Recertification credits.

Core Curriculum

  • Strategic Planning
  • Buyer and Supplier Relationships
  • Travel Program Administration
  • Data Analysis

Who Should Take this Course?

  • Travel Managers and Directors
  • Procurement or Fiscal Managers overseeing travel budgets
  • Regional/District Sales Managers for travel suppliers
  • Professionals with three of more years of business travel experience
  • Professionals aspiring to sit for the Global Travel Professional® (GTP) Exam


You have two options to register for this course: add it on during your Convention registration process or register for the course directly here.

Global Leadership Professional (GLP) Capstone Kickoff

Sunday, July 21 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Prerequisite: You must complete Global Leadership Professional courses covering marketing, management, finance and leadership before participating in the Capstone program.

The Global Leadership Professional (GLP) Capstone Kickoff is the pinnacle of achievement for business travel professionals. This year-long program consists of several components centered on a collaborative, industry-related and solutions-based project:

  • Program kicks off with a live 2-day meeting for registered participants at the GBTA Convention 2024
  • Virtual consultation sessions available as needed for cohorts throughout the program
  • Additional opportunities to work with peers on your assigned project are provided throughout the year long cohort
  • The program concludes during GBTA Convention 2025, where projects are finalized and attendance is mandatory

Participants earn 20 GTP Recertification credits.  To register for this course, you must have completed the required coursework and use this link.

Sustainable Travel Management

Sunday, July 21 from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Companies around the world are now examining their business travel practices as a lever to reduce overall emissions. But what does this mean in practice, and how can travel programs contribute to the effort? GBTA’s Sustainable Travel Management course focuses on the practical application of climate action and the management, reduction, and tracking of carbon emissions from business travel. This training course will address the challenges and opportunities as forward-thinking organizations look to launch or advance their sustainable travel management program.

GTP holders will earn 10 GTP® Recertification credits.  You have two options to register for this course: add it on during your Convention registration process or register for the course directly here. Registration deadline: July 5, 2024.