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Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability Efforts

Recognizing the significant environmental footprint of meeting and events, the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is committed to tracking, managing, and reducing the emissions to address and mitigate the environmental impact associated with its events. We are a supporting association of the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE), the worldwide events industry initiative to address climate change, since February 2024. 

GBTA’s dedication to reducing its environmental impact extends beyond event-specific measures, encompassing a broader commitment to fostering a culture of environmental responsibility within the business travel sector with the GBTA Foundation Sustainability Initiative. Read more at

Measure – Understanding our environmental impact

GBTA is committed to fostering accountability and driving sustainable practices. As the saying goes, “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. That’s why we’ve been measuring and tracking the emissions from Convention since 2022, and will do so again this year. Emissions calculations are the necessary first step towards reducing the environmental impact of our events. These calculations will guide our decision-making, allowing GBTA to identify emission hotspots, set reduction targets, and implement strategies to mitigate their environmental footprint.

Green Wins From Convention 2023

Shuttle Service - Sus Convention
Furniture Donation - Sus Convention
Vegetarian Meal Sus Convention
Water Bottles Sus Convention

Decarbonize – Reducing our footprint

We’re proud to engage with suppliers who share our commitment to reducing environmental impact, sourcing eco-friendly materials, and implementing innovative waste reduction strategies. For example, GBTA’s long-term partner Freeman, a founding member of the Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE) initiative, is committed to improving its operations’ sustainability.  

Beyond the convention floor, we work with suppliers actively involved in community-based initiatives to decarbonize our event. Discover Georgia World Congress Center’s work:

  • Offering shuttle routes for attendees to and from select hotels to the convention center. Detailed shuttle info here
  • No idling policy 


  • Encouraging recycling of signage/stands/other materials 
  • Working with exhibitors to minimize their carbon footprint by providing a Green Exhibiting Guide, an option for exhibitors to donate used materials to a local charity
  • Eliminating secondary Expo aisle carpet 
  • Electronic proofing of badges prior to printing onsite 
  • Providing recycling/composting bins in various locations throughout the Convention 
  • Increasing use of the GBTA mobile app, and utilizing electronic mail for marketing and communication purposes 
  • All disposables used by the Congress Center are compostable, taken off-site and sorted through a commercial composter

Food and Beverage

  • Tracking and reporting on food waste through the congress center’s program called Waste Not 2.0
  • Unconsumed food items are picked up and distributed throughout the community

For more information, check here or reach out to


  • Change Please! Coffee brewed during Convention will redistribute 100% of the profits to providing vital services to individuals experiencing homelessness.


  • GBTA is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its events as much as possible. However, for those unavoidable emissions, we choose to offset all emissions directly related to Convention (scope 1 and 2) to contribute to driving investment and innovation in low-carbon technologies and practices.

Engage – Empowering stakeholders

Reducing the environmental impact of Convention wouldn’t be possible without the involvement, engagement, and efforts of our attendees, exhibitors, and our staff. GBTA believes in the empowerment of individuals to take ownership to reduce our collective carbon emissions.  

Ways you can be more sustainable at Convention 2024 

Do you want to help GBTA make Convention greener? Commit to the following green actions as part of your experience and get recognized with a Green Ribbon on your badge: 

  • Walk or take public transport to and from all GBTA programming
  • Bring your own water bottle to all GBTA programming
  • Separate your waste thoughtfully and use the correct bins
  • Try an all-vegan or all-vegetarian meal during your trip to Atlanta

Enhance your knowledge of Sustainable Business Travel at Convention 2024 | Atlanta.  

Whether you are a travel buyer, supplier, or a sustainability professional interested in focusing on reducing your organization’s business travel emissions make sure to attend the Sustainability Programming at Convention 2024 | Atlanta and become your organization’s sustainability champion.  

Meet the Sustainability Team at the GBTA Zone on the EXPO floor 

Meet the team! Come say hello to the GBTA Foundation team in the GBTA Zone (booth 2253) on the expo floor. Looking to discuss something specific? Book your appointment with a sustainability team member today.

GBTA is constantly working on making our events more sustainable. 

Please help GBTA improve its events’ sustainability efforts! Submit your ideas to